
The most-used nouns: no. 006 CASA

Italian villa, as seen on The most-used nouns n.006 CASA on www.viaoptimae.com, originally from www.home-designing.com
Image via Home-designing.com

In this series, we're covering the most used nouns in the Italian language 
(I sostantivi più utilizzati nella lingua italiana)

In case you missed it… 

Numero 6 è…..

 casa (la)

"Casa" is the general term for any dwelling and can be translated as house or home depending on the context.  A lot of people live in apartments in Italy, and those too can be referred to as casa*.  

You'll often hear it in the following

a casa
at home

casa mia
my house

sotto casa
on the street in front of one's house 
(especially if it's an apartment building)

*If you want to refer specifically to the stand-alone structure that we would call a "house" you can use the term villa (which we also use in English) especially if it is surrounded by a bit of land.

See more examples, listen to songs, and practice your listening comprehension of casa in the newly updated digital magazine: 

Can you write a sentence using the word casa? Or maybe you can find a quote or aphorism that uses it? Comment below! (or on Facebook if you prefer)

Happy studying!
Alex on www.viaoptimae.com

Ready for the next word in the series?

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